Adult Education Programs

Adult Education programs are designed to serve students who are 16 years of age and up in:

  • Acquiring an Illinois high school diploma, formerly known as a high school equivalency certificate. 
  • Acquiring English language skills for English language learners by offering language acquisition (ELA) classes. 
  • Transitioning into college or a career pathway by offering career readiness curriculum in HSE and ELA classes and assistance transitioning into on-the-job training, college, and careers.

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Adult Education programs of the Regional Office of Education #33 empower adult learners by providing education and support services that will successfully prepare and transition them to college and/or workforce training for their career pathway.

Adult Education Sites

Galesburg Site
932 Harrison St
Galesburg, IL 61401

Monmouth Site
105 N. E Street
Monmouth, IL 61462

Bushnell Site
300 Miller St
Bushnell, IL 61422

Carthage Site
553 Main St
Carthage, IL 62321

ICAPS Opportunities

ICAPS Automotive
ICAPS Computer Support
ICAPS Phlebotomy

Contact Us

Adult Education Staff